Saturday, 3 November 2012

A very exciting time lies ahead, it does......

On October 30th, 2012,

A long time ago, In a galaxy far, far away,

Disney Bought Lucasfilm for £4.05 billion dollars!!

And to top it off, they are going to make another 3 films!!

To Mark This very special occasion, I will be getting a greenscreen for Christmas, and I will be going to many Famous Star Wars locations, and re-visiting key Star Wars Moments!

And to top it off some more.....

I am going to create a very special Star Wars Duel which will be viewed at my YouTube Channel.

Details will be coming soon...


I would be very grateful if you could spread the word about my blog! Not just abut the photos, Not Just about the Special Duel, but that I reguarly create some amazing effects to share with everyone in the whole wide world.